HandALL Tactical Grip Sleeve (Small) - Black

Availability: In Production ? This item is not immediately available, but is currently in production. You can still order this item, and our customer service team will provide a delivery timeframe.

Made for smaller, compact firearms that have a grip frame with a primarily straight back strap


• AMT: Baby Automag
• AR-15: Stock grips without finger grooves
• Beretta: 84FS Cheetah*, 85FS Cheetah*, Model 86, Model 87, U22 Neos, Neos Inox
• Bersa: Thunder 380 Plus, 85*
• Chiappa: Rhino
• Colt: Targetsman, Challenger, Match Target, Woodsman
• Heckler & Koch: MP5, G36, UMP, USC
• Kahr Arms: TP45, CT45, CW45, TP40, CT40, CW40, T40, K40, TP9, P9, CT9, CW9, T9, K9, CT380
• Ruger: 22/45 (all models), All MK I, II, III
• SCCY: CPX-1, CPX-2
• SIG SAUER: 230/232*
• Steyr: S9*, S40*, S-A1*
• Taser: M26
• Taurus: PT58
• Walther: P22*